Dr hab. Krzysztof Sacha

Office hours: Wednesday, 12:00


IOP: Software Engineering

Contents of the lecture


            Software Processes

            Methods And Tools

Object-Oriented Development

            Use-Case Method

                        Use-Cases And Scenarios

                        Business Rules

                        Use-Case Diagram

            Domain Modeling

                        Class Diagram

                        State-Machine Diagram

            Architecture Modeling

                        Package Diagram

                        Component Diagram

                        Deployment Diagram

                        Sequence Diagram

                        Communication Diagram

            Program Design And Implementation

                        Robustness Analysis

                        Three Layered Architecture

                        EJB Technology

                        Rational Unified Process

Structured Development

            Conceptual Tools

            Methods And Techniques

Software Testing

            Levels Of Testing

            Testing Process


            Methods And Tools

Project Management

            Organization Structure

            Project Planning

            Cost Estimation

            Risk Management


M. Fowler, UML Distilled: A Brief Guide To The Standard Modeling Language, Pearson Education Inc., 2004


SCZR: Real Time Systems