<html> <head> <title>Pawel Cichosz--Publications</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <body bgcolor="#BBBBBB"> <center> <h1>My Publications</h1> </CENTER> <h1></h1> <hr> <h1></h1> <p> This page lists my publications, some of which are available for download and some older ones have been converted to HTML for browsing. Please <a href="mailto:pcichosz@elka.pw.edu.pl">report</a> any problems with downloading, previewing, or printing them. I can send hardcopies on <a href="mailto:pcichosz@elka.pw.edu.pl">request</a>. <h3>Books</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. (2015). <cite>Data Mining Algorithms: Explained Using R</cite>. Wiley (to appear).<br> <li> Cichosz, P. (2000, 2007). <cite>Systemy uczące się</cite>. WNT.<br> <br> </ol> <h3>Theses</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. (1997). <cite>Reinforcement Learning by Truncating Temporal Differences</cite>. PhD Thesis, Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#PhD">abstract</a>, download <a href="PhD.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (1,591,305 bytes, 242 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1994). <cite>Reinforcement Learning Algorithms Based on the Methods of Temporal Differences</cite>. Master's Thesis, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#thesis">abstract</a>, download <a href="thesis.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (376,887 bytes, 152 pages).<br> </ol> <h3>International Journals</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. & Pawełczak, Ł. (2014). Imitation learning of car driving skills with decision trees and random forests. <cite>International Journal of Applied Mathematics and<html> <head> <title>Pawel Cichosz--Publications</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <body bgcolor="#BBBBBB"> <center> <h1>My Publications</h1> </CENTER> <h1></h1> <hr> <h1></h1> <p> This page lists my publications, some of which are available for download and some older ones have been converted to HTML for browsing. Please <a href="mailto:pcichosz@elka.pw.edu.pl">report</a> any problems with downloading, previewing, or printing them. I can send hardcopies on <a href="mailto:pcichosz@elka.pw.edu.pl">request</a>. <h3>Books</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. (2015). <cite>Data Mining Algorithms: Explained Using R</cite>. Wiley (to appear).<br> <li> Cichosz, P. (2000, 2007). <cite>Systemy uczące się</cite>. WNT.<br> <br> </ol> <h3>Theses</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. (1997). <cite>Reinforcement Learning by Truncating Temporal Differences</cite>. PhD Thesis, Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#PhD">abstract</a>, download <a href="PhD.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (1,591,305 bytes, 242 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1994). <cite>Reinforcement Learning Algorithms Based on the Methods of Temporal Differences</cite>. Master's Thesis, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#thesis">abstract</a>, download <a href="thesis.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (376,887 bytes, 152 pages).<br> </ol> <h3>International Journals</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. & Pawełczak, Ł. (2014). Imitation learning of car driving skills with decision trees and random forests. <cite>International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science</cite>, 24:579-597.<br> <a href="https://amcs.uz.zgora.pl/?action=paper&paper=775">View on the AMCS website</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (2011). Assessing the quality of classification models: Performance measures and evaluation procedures. <cite>Central European Journal of Engineering</cite>, 1:132-158.<br> <a href="http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.2478/s13531-011-0022-9 ">View on SpringerLink</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (2000). A forwards view of replacing eligibility traces for states and state-action pairs. <cite>Mathematical Algorithms</cite>, 1:283-297.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-rep">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd-rep.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (78,463 bytes, 22 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1999). An analysis of experience replay in temporal difference learning. <cite>Cybernetics and Systems</cite>, 30:341-363.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-rbtd">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd-rbtd.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (101,770 bytes, 23 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1999). TD(λ) learning without eligibility traces: A theoretical analysis. <cite>Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence</cite>, 11:239-263.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#tdl-woet">abstract</a>, download <a href="tdl-woet.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (122,280 bytes, 30 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1996). Delayed reinforcement learning of multidimensional control actions. <cite>Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation</cite>, 24:233-248.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#drl-mult">abstract</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1995). Truncating temporal differences: On the efficient implementation of TD(λ) for reinforcement learning. <cite>Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research</cite>, 2:287-318.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (108,231 bytes, 32 pages), <a href="ttd/ttd.html">browse</a> HTML.<br> <br> </ol> <h3>Polish Journals</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. (1995). Wprowadzenie do systemow uczacych sie ze wzmocnieniem. <cite>Informatyka</cite>, 4/96.<br> </ol> <h3>International Conferences</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. (2018). Anomaly detection in discussion forum posts using global vectors. In <cite>Proceedings of SPIE 10808</cite>. <li> Wawrzynski, P., Arabas, J., & Cichosz, P. (2008). Predictive control for Artificial Intelligence in computer games. In <cite>Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing</cite> (ICAISC-2008). Springer. Read the <a href="abstract.html#ai-games">abstract</a>, view <a href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/u737730117742303/fulltext.pdf">PDF</a>.<br> <br> <li>Arabas, J. & Cichosz, P. (2006). Search-based view of Artificial Intelligence. In <cite>Artificial Intelligence Studies</cite>, Academy of Podlasie.<br> <br> <li> Walczak, T. & Cichosz, P. (2006). A distributed learning control system for elevator groups. In <cite>Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing</cite> (ICAISC-2008). Springer. Read the <a href="abstract.html#learn-elevator">abstract</a>, view <a href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/k4463800w2789271/fulltext.pdf">PDF</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1997). Integrated learning and planning based on truncating temporal differences. In <cite>Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Machine Learning</cite> (ECML-97). Springer.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-plan">abstract</a>, view <a href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/5701827j87v35512/fulltext.pdf">PDF</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1996). Truncated temporal differences with function approximation: Successful examples using CMAC. In <cite>Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research</cite> (EMCSR-96). Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-cmac">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd-cmac.ps.gz">gzipped postscript</a> (185,857 bytes, 6 pages), <a href="ttd-cmac/ttd-cmac.html">browse</a> HTML.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1996). Truncated temporal differences and sequential replay: Comparison, integration, and experiments. In <cite>Proceedings of the Poster Session of the Ninth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems</cite> (ISMIS-96), Zakopane, Poland. Oak Ridge Laboratory.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-sr">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd-sr.ps.gz">gzipped postscript</a> (241,608 bytes, 15 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995). Fast and efficient reinforcement learning with truncated temporal differences. In <cite>Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning</cite> (ML-95), Tahoe City, California. Morgan Kaufmann.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#fast-rl">abstract</a>, download <a href="fast-rl.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (62,179 bytes, 9 pages), <a href="fast-rl/fast-rl.html">browse</a> HTML.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995). Integrated architectures for learning, planning, and reacting based on approximating TD(λ). In <cite>Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Intelligent Adaptive Systems</cite> (IAS-95), Melbourne Beech, Florida.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttdyna">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttdyna.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (47,968 bytes, 12 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995). GBQL: A novel genetics-based reinforcement learning architecture. In <cite>Proceedings of the Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing</cite> (EUFIT'95), Aachen, Germany.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#gbql1">abstract</a>, download <a href="gbql1.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (40,508 bytes, 5 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1995). Learning multidimensional control actions from delayed reinforcements. In <cite>Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on System-Modelling-Control</cite> (SMC-8), Zakopane, Poland.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#multidim">abstract</a>, download <a href="multidim.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (43,011 bytes, 6 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995). Towards more efficient intelligent agents learning from delayed rewards. In <cite>Proceedings of the IV International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems</cite> (WIS'95), Augustow, Poland.<br> <br> <li> Seredynski, F., Cichosz, P., & Klebus, G. P. (1995). Learning classifier systems in multi-agent environments. In <cite>Proceedings of the First IEE/IEEE International Conference on Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications</cite> (GALESIA'95), Sheffield, UK.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#lcsmag">abstract</a>, download <a href="lcsmag.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (40,937 bytes, 6 pages).<br> </ol> <h3>Polish Conferences</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1996). Faster temporal credit assignment in learning classifier systems. In <cite>Proceedings of the First Polish Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms</cite> (KAE-96), Murzasichle, Poland.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#bblambda">abstract</a>, download <a href="bblambda.ps.gz">gzipped postscript</a> (47,017 bytes, 10 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995, in Polish). Uczenie sie sekwencyjnego podejmowania decyzji w oparciu o opoznione nagrody. <cite>Materialy Krajowej Konferencji: Analiza Decyzyjna, Systemy Ekspertowe, Zastosowania Systemow Komputerowych</cite>, IBS PAN, Warszawa, Polska.<br> <br> <li> Mulawka, J. J., & Cichosz, P. (1994, in Polish). Systemy uczace sie i perspektywy ich zastosowan w dziedzinie ekonomii. <cite>Materialy Konferencji INFOGRYF'94</cite>, Kolobrzeg, Polska.<br> </ol> <h3>Technical Reports</h3> <ol> <li> Seredynski, F., Cichosz, P., & Klebus, G. P. (1995, in Polish). (CS)LAG: system do symulacji gier uczacych sie agentow. Technical report 778, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., Klebus, G. P. (1994). Visual presentation of inheritance structures: A case study in object oriented programming. Research report 8/94, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology.<br> </ol> <h1></h1> <hr> <center> <a href="..\index.html">My Home Page</a> </center> <hr> <address> <a href="mailto:pcichosz@elka.pw.edu.pl">Pawel Cichosz</a> </address> </body> </html> Computer Science</cite>, 24:579-597.<br> <a href="https://amcs.uz.zgora.pl/?action=paper&paper=775">View on the AMCS website</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (2011). Assessing the quality of classification models: Performance measures and evaluation procedures. <cite>Central European Journal of Engineering</cite>, 1:132-158.<br> <a href="http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.2478/s13531-011-0022-9 ">View on SpringerLink</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (2000). A forwards view of replacing eligibility traces for states and state-action pairs. <cite>Mathematical Algorithms</cite>, 1:283-297.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-rep">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd-rep.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (78,463 bytes, 22 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1999). An analysis of experience replay in temporal difference learning. <cite>Cybernetics and Systems</cite>, 30:341-363.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-rbtd">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd-rbtd.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (101,770 bytes, 23 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1999). TD(λ) learning without eligibility traces: A theoretical analysis. <cite>Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence</cite>, 11:239-263.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#tdl-woet">abstract</a>, download <a href="tdl-woet.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (122,280 bytes, 30 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1996). Delayed reinforcement learning of multidimensional control actions. <cite>Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation</cite>, 24:233-248.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#drl-mult">abstract</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1995). Truncating temporal differences: On the efficient implementation of TD(λ) for reinforcement learning. <cite>Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research</cite>, 2:287-318.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (108,231 bytes, 32 pages), <a href="ttd/ttd.html">browse</a> HTML.<br> <br> </ol> <h3>Polish Journals</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. (1995). Wprowadzenie do systemow uczacych sie ze wzmocnieniem. <cite>Informatyka</cite>, 4/96.<br> </ol> <h3>International Conferences</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P. (2018). Anomaly detection in discussion forum posts using global vectors. In <cite>Proceedings of SPIE 10808</cite>. <li> Wawrzynski, P., Arabas, J., & Cichosz, P. (2008). Predictive control for Artificial Intelligence in computer games. In <cite>Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing</cite> (ICAISC-2008). Springer. Read the <a href="abstract.html#ai-games">abstract</a>, view <a href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/u737730117742303/fulltext.pdf">PDF</a>.<br> <br> <li>Arabas, J. & Cichosz, P. (2006). Search-based view of Artificial Intelligence. In <cite>Artificial Intelligence Studies</cite>, Academy of Podlasie.<br> <br> <li> Walczak, T. & Cichosz, P. (2006). A distributed learning control system for elevator groups. In <cite>Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing</cite> (ICAISC-2008). Springer. Read the <a href="abstract.html#learn-elevator">abstract</a>, view <a href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/k4463800w2789271/fulltext.pdf">PDF</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1997). Integrated learning and planning based on truncating temporal differences. In <cite>Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Machine Learning</cite> (ECML-97). Springer.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-plan">abstract</a>, view <a href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/5701827j87v35512/fulltext.pdf">PDF</a>.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1996). Truncated temporal differences with function approximation: Successful examples using CMAC. In <cite>Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research</cite> (EMCSR-96). Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-cmac">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd-cmac.ps.gz">gzipped postscript</a> (185,857 bytes, 6 pages), <a href="ttd-cmac/ttd-cmac.html">browse</a> HTML.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1996). Truncated temporal differences and sequential replay: Comparison, integration, and experiments. In <cite>Proceedings of the Poster Session of the Ninth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems</cite> (ISMIS-96), Zakopane, Poland. Oak Ridge Laboratory.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttd-sr">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttd-sr.ps.gz">gzipped postscript</a> (241,608 bytes, 15 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995). Fast and efficient reinforcement learning with truncated temporal differences. In <cite>Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning</cite> (ML-95), Tahoe City, California. Morgan Kaufmann.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#fast-rl">abstract</a>, download <a href="fast-rl.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (62,179 bytes, 9 pages), <a href="fast-rl/fast-rl.html">browse</a> HTML.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995). Integrated architectures for learning, planning, and reacting based on approximating TD(λ). In <cite>Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Intelligent Adaptive Systems</cite> (IAS-95), Melbourne Beech, Florida.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#ttdyna">abstract</a>, download <a href="ttdyna.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (47,968 bytes, 12 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995). GBQL: A novel genetics-based reinforcement learning architecture. In <cite>Proceedings of the Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing</cite> (EUFIT'95), Aachen, Germany.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#gbql1">abstract</a>, download <a href="gbql1.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (40,508 bytes, 5 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P. (1995). Learning multidimensional control actions from delayed reinforcements. In <cite>Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on System-Modelling-Control</cite> (SMC-8), Zakopane, Poland.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#multidim">abstract</a>, download <a href="multidim.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (43,011 bytes, 6 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995). Towards more efficient intelligent agents learning from delayed rewards. In <cite>Proceedings of the IV International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems</cite> (WIS'95), Augustow, Poland.<br> <br> <li> Seredynski, F., Cichosz, P., & Klebus, G. P. (1995). Learning classifier systems in multi-agent environments. In <cite>Proceedings of the First IEE/IEEE International Conference on Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications</cite> (GALESIA'95), Sheffield, UK.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#lcsmag">abstract</a>, download <a href="lcsmag.ps.gz">gzipped postscipt</a> (40,937 bytes, 6 pages).<br> </ol> <h3>Polish Conferences</h3> <ol> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1996). Faster temporal credit assignment in learning classifier systems. In <cite>Proceedings of the First Polish Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms</cite> (KAE-96), Murzasichle, Poland.<br> Read the <a href="abstract.html#bblambda">abstract</a>, download <a href="bblambda.ps.gz">gzipped postscript</a> (47,017 bytes, 10 pages).<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., & Mulawka, J. J. (1995, in Polish). Uczenie sie sekwencyjnego podejmowania decyzji w oparciu o opoznione nagrody. <cite>Materialy Krajowej Konferencji: Analiza Decyzyjna, Systemy Ekspertowe, Zastosowania Systemow Komputerowych</cite>, IBS PAN, Warszawa, Polska.<br> <br> <li> Mulawka, J. J., & Cichosz, P. (1994, in Polish). Systemy uczace sie i perspektywy ich zastosowan w dziedzinie ekonomii. <cite>Materialy Konferencji INFOGRYF'94</cite>, Kolobrzeg, Polska.<br> </ol> <h3>Technical Reports</h3> <ol> <li> Seredynski, F., Cichosz, P., & Klebus, G. P. (1995, in Polish). (CS)LAG: system do symulacji gier uczacych sie agentow. Technical report 778, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.<br> <br> <li> Cichosz, P., Klebus, G. P. (1994). Visual presentation of inheritance structures: A case study in object oriented programming. Research report 8/94, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology.<br> </ol> <h1></h1> <hr> <center> <a href="..\index.html">My Home Page</a> </center> <hr> <address> <a href="mailto:pcichosz@elka.pw.edu.pl">Pawel Cichosz</a> </address> </body> </html>