Pułtusk Church of The Visitation of St.Mary and St. Matthaus  





Position of organs:

Disposition: [0] (inscriptions on stops' knobs)

Manuał 1   Manuał 2   Pedał  
Bourdon 16' Pryncypał 8' Violon Bas 16'
Pryncypał 8' Flet * (?) Subbas 16'
Viola di Gamba 8' * (?) (?) Kwintbas 10 2/3'
Dolce 8' * (?) (?) Oktawbas 8'
Gemshorn 8' * Pryncypał (?) 4' (?) Cello 8'
Holflet 8' * (?) (?) Flet bas 8'
Kwintat 8' Nazard 2 2/3' Oktawa 4'
Oktawa 4' Flautino 2' Puzon 16'
Flet 4' Tercflet 1 1/3'    
Kwinta 2 2/3' ? Flecik 1'    
Superoktawa 2' Kornet** V    
Mixtura II-IV Obój 8'    
Trompet 8'        
Sup. M1          
Sup. M2 -> M1          
Sub. M1          
Sub. M2          
* - inscriptions on stop knobs are unreadable,
** - Kornet are assembled from 5 stops in this manual (Flecik 1', Tercflet 1 1/3', Flautino 2', Nazard 2 2/3' and one unknown (unreadable),
*** - Tremolo are only in some stops

  Church of The Visitation of St.Mary and St. Matthaus,
  • built before 1443, rebuilt in 1551-1560 [6].

All photos on this page are by Wojciech Kaminski. (c) 1999-2000 by W. Kaminski. All Rights Reserved.

Your comments please send to: wojciech_kaminski@hotmail.com

last modification:
22. VII. 2000