Józef Szymański, Antoni Szymański and Jan Szymański

Warsaw family of organbuilders.
Józef (
1828 ? - Kocierzew, near Łowicz ... 26.XII.1892 - Warsaw). Student of Matesz Mielczarski. He have had workshop in Częstochowa, and since 1869 in Warsaw. Founder of the firm "J. Szymański i Syn". Builder of at least 125 instruments. [31]
Antoni (
? ... 1923 ?). Son of Józef and his student. He practised also in France and Germany. Active in 1878-1923. [31]
Jan (
? ... ?). Son of Józef and his student. After death of father he takes from him firm "J. Szymański i syn". [31]

Most important works: (in chronological order)

Józef Szymański:

Antoni Szymański:

Jan Szymański:

Because of the same initials of Józef and Jan it is difficult to find out who was the real builder of some instruments.

Your comments please send to: wojciech_kaminski@hotmail.com

last modification:
4. IX. 2001