Warsaw St. Anna's Church Church and monastery complex of Bernardines.



Instrument: First organs from 1518 burnt in 1657. The center part of presently case are from 1667 (author unknown). Extended in 1701-1706 by Bernardine`s monks: Antoni from Głogów and Klemens from Sierpc. Extended in 1750-1753. In 1852 renovated by Mateusz Mielczarski and in 1900 by Karol and Albert Spiegel. Carver`s decoration from 1701-1707 and 1750-1753 (Paschalis Scholtz). In last years here was installed new mechanical instrument.

Position of organs:


Disposition: (original names)

Manuał I   Manuał II   Pedał  
Bourdon 16' Pryncypał 8' Pryncypałbas 16'
Pryncypał 8' Viola 8' Violonbas 16'
Gemshorn 8' Bourdon 8' Subbas 16'
Gamba 8' Aeolina 8' Oktawbas 8'
Gedect 8' Flet 8' Kwintbas 10 2/3'
Fugara 4' Praestant 4' Cello 8'
Oktawa 4' Traversflet 4'    
Szpicflet 4' Progressja 2 2/3'    
Kwinta 5 1/3'        
Kwinta 2 2/3'        
Mixtura IV          

Church: Build in 1454 on place atfer previous wooden church founded by princess Anna mazowiecka. Devastated in 1656 while siege of Warsaw. Rebuild in baroque style, with classicistic facade.

St. Anna's Church,

All photos on this page are by Wojciech Kaminski. (c) 1999 by W. Kaminski. All Rights Reserved.

Your comments please send to: wojciech_kaminski@hotmail.com

last modification:
30. V. 2000