Educational program

There are several different groups of Robotics Laboratory users:

The regular student exercices are organized as obligatory practicals related to the two following lectures:

The exercice subjects for the Robot Control and Programming lecture refer to dynamics and control of mechanic systems as well as to control, modelling and programming of robots. Here are the exemplary exercices:

  1. Properties of the IRp-6 robot: Mechanic structure of the robot, its industrial controller and programming method. Preparation of an exemplary program. Determination of the work-space. Determination of the repeatibility of the robot
  2. Direct and inverse kinematic problem for the IRp-6 robot
  3. Trajectory planning and obstacle avoidance for the IRp-6 robot
  4. Evaluation of the influence of discretisation and method of interpolation on the quality of IRp-6 robot motion trajectories

The exercices related to the Real Time Operating Systems lecture let the students study the operating system mechanisms. Students write programs based on these mechanisms and, what is important, they deal with the "real world", created by the "on line" controlled robots and vision system. No simulation is involved in the teaching process.

  1. Robotics system utilising vision for the location and grasp of immobile objects
  2. Simulation of mobile robot control in unknown surroundings, based on distance sensor

Students were given the following exemplary tasks for their individual work:

  1. Definition and implementation of a path finding algorithm for a robot equipped with touch sensors moving in a maze
  2. Computer analysis of images applied in robotics
  3. Algorithms for tree search (PD)
  4. Evaluation of picture deformations caused by an optical CCD lens circuit

Here are some exemplary M.Sc. Thesis which were prepared in the laboratory:

  1. Time-optimal PTP (Point To Point) robot control
  2. Design of analogue and discrete arm position controllers
  3. Control of an IRp-6 robot utilising a vision system
  4. Automatic generation of robot kinematic models
  5. Utilisation of proximity sensors in robot control
  6. 3D graphics utilised in robot motion simulation
  7. Intelligent robot control with reference to the task of checkers game
  8. Three dimensional (3D) vision elements in a robot object acquisition system
  9. Software for DATA TRANSLATION vision system in the QNX real time operating system environment

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