Gdańsk - Oliwa The Holy Trinity Church  (organs in right transept) Aftercistercians Church




Disposition: [3]

Manual   Pedal  
Burdon 16' Subbas 16'
Pryncypał 8' Oktawbas 16'
Gemshorn 8' Violoncello 8'
Burdon 8'    
Majorflet 8'    
Aeolina 8'    
Oktawa 4'    
Flet 4'    
Superoktawa 2'    
Mixtura III    


  The Holy Trinity Church,
  • first chapel which is the part of  presently presbytery built circa 1200 [50].

All photos on this page are by Wojciech Kaminski. (c) 1999-2002 by W. Kaminski.

Your comments please send to:

last modification:
23. I. 2002