Prof. Wojciech Mazurczyk

is a Full Professor at the Institute of Computer Science, Division of Software Engineering and Computer Architecture, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Poland where he is a head of the Computer Systems Security Group (CSSG). Till September 2019 he was an Associate Professor at the Cybersecurity Division, Institute of Telecommunications (IT) at WUT where he co-founded Cybersecurity Division and was a head of the Bio-inspired Security Research Group (BSRG). From 2019 member of the Committee for Development of Research Excellence at Warsaw University of Technology for the scientific discipline: Computer Science and Telecommunications. Senior researcher at the Parallelism and VLSI Group at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at FernUniversitaet, Germany.

Has been indicated four times as one of the Top 2% of Scientists of their main subfield discipline in the Stanford List of Top Scientists for 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Holds B.Sc. (2003), M.Sc. (2004), Ph.D. (2009, with honors) and D.Sc. (habilitation, 2014) all in Telecommunications from WUT. Author or co-author of 2 books, over 150 papers, 2 patent applications, and over 35 invited talks. Involved in many international and domestic research projects as a principal investigator or as a senior researcher. A guest editor of many special issues devoted to network security (among others: IEEE TDSC, IEEE S&P, IEEE Commag). Serving as Technical Program Committee Member of (among others): RAID, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE LCN, IEEE CNS, ACSAC, ARES and ACM IH&MMSec. From 2016 Editor-in-Chief of an open access Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility. From 2018 to 2021 Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (CoA here). From 2018 to 2020 a Mobile Communications and Networks Series Editor, and from 2013 to 2018 Technical Associate Editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine.

From 2016 an Accredited Cybercrime Expert, Trainer, and a member of the Academic Advisory Network for Europol EC3 (European Cybercrime Center). A founder and a coordinator of the Criminal Use of Information Hiding (CUIng) Initiative launched in cooperation with Europol EC3. A founding member of EURASIP "Biometrics, Data Forensics and Security" (B.For.Sec) Special Area Team. IEEE Senior Member (2013-) and EURASIP member (2015-). Certified PRINCE2 Foundation / PRINCE2 Practitioner project manager.

For over 15 years, has been serving as an independent consultant in the fields of network security and telecommunications. Between 2003 and 2007, he was also a deployments specialist for the telecom company Suntech.

His research was covered by worldwide media numerous times, including in "IEEE Spectrum", "New Scientist", "MIT Technology Review", "The Economist", "Der Spiegel", etc. For more information follow me on Twitter and ResearchGate.

  • [2024.02.29] I have received a decision from the President of Poland that officially grants me a Full Professor title (this was the last step of the procedure that took last 9 months)
  • [2023.12.07] I have received a prestigious Polish Prime Minister Award for Scientific Achievements - see: here
  • [2023.10.07] For the fourth year in a row, I have been included in the World's Top 2% Scientists for both career-long impact and single-year impact (prepared by a team of scientists led by Dr John PA Ioannidis) - see: here
  • [2023.09.08] The paper I co-authored entitled "Unlocking the Potential of DNA-Based Tagging: Current Market Solutions and Expanding Horizons" has been just accepted to Nature Communications!
  • [2023.09.02] The paper I co-authored entitled "Disinformation 2.0 in the Age of AI: A Cybersecurity Perspective" has been just accepted to Communications of the ACM!
  • [2023.08.29] The paper I co-authored entitled "Malware classification using Open Set Recognition and HTTP protocol requests" has been just accepted to ESORICS 2023 conference!
  • [2023.06.19] I am a visiting researcher at the CNR, Genova, Italy, till mid-August 2023
  • [2022.11.19] I gave a keynote entitled "Recent advances in stegomalware: development trends and detection opportunities" at the 21st International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2022), Guilin, P.R. China
  • [2022.10.10] For the third year in a row, I have been included in the World's Top 2% Scientists for both career-long impact and single year impact (prepared by a team of scientists led by Dr John PA Ioannidis) - see: here
  • [2022.06.22] Four of the papers I co-author have been accepted for ARES 2022 workshops!
  • [2022.01.28] I have been On-site Visiting Scholar at IN3's K-riptography and Information Security for Open Networks (KISON) research group at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UoC), Barcelona, Spain (28.01.2022-13.02.2022)
I am looking for self-motivated PhD students interested in cybersecurity. If you are one please send me an email (see Contact section).

Publication entries:
- Scholar Google Profile
- DBLP Computer Science Bibliography Server
- WUT Base of Knowledge Profile

Research interests

  • Information hiding in communication networks: network steganography, traffic morphing, and flow watermarking
  • Bio-inspired offensive/defensive techniques for cybersecurity
  • Moving Target Defense (MTD) and Cyber Deception (CD) techniques
  • Malware analysis and countermeasures
  • Network traffic measurements for cybersecurity
  • Network and computer forensics
  • Network traffic anomalies detection

Projects Involvement

Current projects

  • Stego-Malware Communication Fingerprinting (StegoMaCoFi) (2023-2024) - project funded by German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (role: Senior Researcher) [NEW]
  • H2020 - Integrated Technological and Information Platform for wildfire Management (SILVANUS) (2021-2025) - funded by EU (role: Principal Investigator at WUT)
  • DISSIMILAR: Detection of fake newS on SocIal MedIa pLAtfoRms (2021-2024) - funded by National Centre for Research and Development under the EIG CONCERT-Japan Programme framework (role: Principal Investigator at WUT)
  • Network Information Hiding Patterns

Past projects

  • H2020 - Secure Intelligent Methods for Advanced RecoGnition of malware and stegomalware (SIMARGL) (2019-2022) - funded by EU (role: Senior Researcher)
  • Intelligent Monitoring and Countermeasures of Stego Malware and Ransomware (IMACOSAR) (2021-2022) - a project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (role: Senior Researcher)
  • CoCoDe: Covert Communication Detection - R&D project funded by US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (2017-2021) - Contract No. FA9550-17-1-0254 (role: co-PI at WUT)
  • H2020 - IoRL (Internet of Radio Light) (2017-2020) - funded by EU (role: Principal Investigator at WUT)
  • 5G@PL: Deployment of 5G network in Polish market (2018-2020) - funded by National Centre for Research and Development under the Gospostrateg Programme framework, Contract no. 1/383021/19/NCBR/2018 (role: Senior Researcher)
  • Detection and countermeasures against information hiding-based malware (DeCoIMa) (2017-2019) - a project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (role: Senior Researcher)
  • International Virtual Lab on Information Security (IVLIS) (2017-2019) - a project funded by FernUniversitaet within Foerderprogamm Innovative Lehre (FILeh) (role: Senior researcher)
  • E2S2E: Energy Efficient and Secure Smart Environment (2016-2018) - a project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), No. 01DS16014 (role: PI at WUT)
  • H2020 - microMole: Sewage Monitoring System for Tracking Synthetic Drug Laboratories (2015-2018) - H2020 project funded by EU (role: Senior researcher)
  • MobiTraff: Cooperative Way to Mobility and Traffic Efficiency (01.2013-06.2015) - funded by National Centre for Research and Development (Poland) and Fonds National de la Recherche (Luxembourg) - POLLUX programme (role: Senior researcher)
  • New Network Anomaly Detection Method (12.2011-12.2014) - funded by National Science Centre (role: PI)
  • Steganographic Methods for IP Networks (01.2012-01.2014) - funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (role: PI)
  • Methods for Information Hiding in Network Traffic: Analysis and Detection (2012) - funded by Warsaw University of Technology (role: PI)
  • Methods for Network Steganography Detection in IP Networks (12.2010-12.2011) - funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (role: PI)
  • New Methods for Information Hiding in Telecommunication Networks (2011) - funded by Warsaw University of Technology (role: PI)
  • Methods and Evaluation Environment of Network Steganography (2009-2011) - funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (role: Researcher)
  • FP7 – Prosense: Promote, Mobilize, Reinforce and Integrate Wireless Sensor Networking Research and Researchers: Towards Pervasive Networking of WBC and the EU (2008-2010) – funded by EU (role: Researcher)
  • Detecting Frauds in 2G/3G Networks (2008-2009) - funded by Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa - PTC
  • FP7 - QoEWeb: Quality of Experience and User Behaviour Modelling for Web Traffic - EuroNF, Network of Excellence (2008-2009) - funded by EU
  • Steganography in IP Telephony - Supervisor (research) grant No. 3968/B/T02/2008/34 funded by Polish Government (2008-2009)
  • TrustMAS: Trusted Communication Platform for Multi-Agent Systems - R&D project funded by US Army and US Air Force (2007-2008) - Contract No. N62558-07-P-0042
  • FP6 - SecMon: Design and Evaluation of End-to-End Quality and Security - EuroFGI - Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet, Network of Excellence (2007-2008) - funded by EU
  • Wireless Security - including IEEE 802.16 (2006), and Sensor networks (2008-2010) - grants funded by Polish Government

Professional Activities

Conference involvement:


Co-chair of the: Technical Program Committee Member of the:


Steering Committee Member of the: Co-chair of the: Technical Program Committee Member of the:


Steering Committee Member of the: Co-chair of the: Panel co-chair of the: Technical Program Committee Member of the:


Steering Committee Member of the: Co-chair of the: Technical Program Committee Member of the:


Track Chair of the:
  • 6th International Conference on Mobile, Secure and Programmable Networking (MSPN 2020), Track: "Security of new Generation Networks and Systems Track", Paris, France, July 1-2 2020
Steering Committee Member of the: Co-chair of the: Technical Program Committee Member of the:


Co-general Chair of the:
  • 13th WISTP International Conference Information Security Theory and Practice (WISTP'2019), Paris, France, December 2019
Steering Committee Member of the: Co-chair of the: Technical Program Committee Member of the:


Co-chair of the: Technical Program Committee Member of the:

Conference involvement:


Co-chair of the: TPC Chair of: Technical Program Committee Member of the: Past Professional Activities (2009-2016) >>

Current Editorial & Scientific Activities:

Past Editorial & Scientific Activities:

Memberships in organizations:

A guest editor for the special issues of:

    (in Thomson Reuters Master Journal List)     Other journals

Reviewer for the following journals and conferences:

JCR journals: Other journals:

Book reviews

Reviewer of the following PhD & DSc theses

  • B. Benjamin- Measuring, Analysing and Mitigating Malicious Activities on the Internet: A Study on DNS, Open Proxies and Domain Name Defensive Registrations, PhD thesis, Grenoble Alpes University, France (2024)
  • F. Uccello - Data Trustworthiness in Critical Infrastructures Protection, PhD thesis, University of Napoli Parthenope, Italy (2024)
  • J. Furtak - Metody podnoszenia poziomu bezpieczeństwa bezprzewodowych sieci sensorowych, DSc thesis, Military University of Technology (Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna), Warsaw, Poland (2020)
  • M. Pawlicki - Zastosowanie metod uczenia maszynowego do wykrywania ataków sieciowych, PhD thesis, UTP University of Science and Technology (Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy), Bydgoszcz, Poland (2020)
  • B. Abd-El-Atty - Quantum Cryptography Protocols based on Quantum Walks, PhD thesis, Menoufia University, Egypt (2020)
  • K. Sawicki - Sposób skrytego zarzadzania heterogenicznymi sieciami teleinformatycznymi oraz metoda przeciwdziałania skrytym transmisjom, PhD thesis, Military University of Technology (Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna), Warsaw, Poland (2019)
  • R. Kozik - Techniki analizy i klasyfikacji danych dla celow zwiekszania bezpieczeństwa aplikacji i sieci teleinformatycznych, DSc thesis, West Pomeranian University of Technology (Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Techniczny), Szczecin, Poland (2019)
  • M. Leslous - Highlighting and Executing Suspicious Paths in Android Malware, PhD thesis, University Rennes, France (2018)
  • K. Mazur - Multilevel Modeling of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in the Internet of Things Newtorks / Wieloaspektowe modelowanie rozproszonych atakow odmowy usługi dla architektury Internetu Rzeczy, PhD thesis, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology (Polsko-Japonska Akademia Technik Komputerowych), Warsaw, Poland (2018)
  • P. Bereziński - Entropy-based network anomaly detection / Detekcja anomalii w ruchu sieciowym z wykorzystaniem miar entropijnych, PhD thesis, AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza), Cracow, Poland (2015)


Awards and scholarships

  • Polish Prime Minister's Award for Scientific Achievements, December 2023, Warsaw, Poland
  • First degree Rector's Award for Scientific Achievements for the Research Team in 2020/20121 (10.2022), Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (Team: W. Mazurczyk, K. Cabaj, M. Gregorczyk, P. Nowakowski, P. Zorawski)
  • Second degree Individual Rector's Award for Scientific Achievements 2018/2019 (10.2020), Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  • Researcher Travel Scholarship in the Bekker Programme (06-09.2018), Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej, NAWA), November 2018, Poland
  • First degree Individual Rector's Award for Scientific Achievements 2016/2017 (10.2018), Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  • First degree Rector's Award for Scientific Achievements for the Research Team in 2014/2015 (10.2016), Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (Team: W. Mazurczyk, K. Szczypiorski, A. Janicki, E. Rzeszutko)
  • Internship of the Foundation for Polish Science SKILLS Programme (07-08.2015), Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), June 2015, Poland [acceptance rate: 14/142]
  • First degree Rector's Award for Scientific Achievements for the Research Team in 2012/2013 (10.2014), Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (Team: W. Mazurczyk, K. Szczypiorski)
  • Researcher Travel Scholarship (06-07.2014), Center for Advanced Studies Warsaw University of Technology, December 2013, Poland
  • Polish Minister Of Science and Higher Education Scholarship for Outstanding Young Researchers (2013-2015), November 2012, Warsaw, Poland
  • Polish Prime Minister's Award for PhD Thesis, November 2010, Warsaw, Poland
  • First degree Rector's Award for Scientific Achievements for the Research Team in 2009/2010 (10.2011), Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (Team: W. Mazurczyk, K. Szczypiorski)
  • First degree Rector's Award for Scientific Achievements for the Research Team in 2007/2008 (10.2009), Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (Team: W. Mazurczyk, K. Szczypiorski)
  • Young Researcher Scholarship (2011-2012), Center for Advanced Studies Warsaw University of Technology, December 2010, Poland
  • ACM SIGCOMM Student Travel Grant (08.2009) - funded by supporting organizations of ACM SIGCOMM 2009, Barcelona, Spain
  • Mazovia PhD Scholarship (2008-2009) - funded by Mazovia Voivodeship, Polish Goverment



  • Certified project manager in PRINCE2 methodology, passed PRINCE2 Foundation and PRINCE2 Practitioner exams, October 2020
  • Research Team Management Training, Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), June 2015
  • Effective Negotiations Training, Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), December 2014
  • Future Internet Summer School 2009 (FISS 09), Bremen, Germany, 20-24.07.2009
  • IPT Update Training, Kosice, Slovakia, 1-8.07.2006

Reviewer of grants for the following research agencies

Past activities

  • August 2011 - October 2013 - Cisco certified Networking Associate Instructor Trainer at ITU-ITC Cisco Regional Academy
  • October 2004 - October 2013 - Cisco certified instructor at ITU-ITC Cisco Regional Academy
  • October 2006 - December 2007 - leader of the project Instant Messaging over MSRP in BRAMA (Laboratory for Mobile Applications and Systems Research and Development)
  • CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate)
  • FWL (Fundamentals of Wireless LANs)
  • NS (Network Security)
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) - Workshop


Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology
Institute of Computer Science
15/19 Nowowiejska Str.
00-665 Warszawa, Poland

E-mail: wojciech.mazurczyk@(NOSPAM)