
Journal papers

M.P. Karpowicz, Adaptive tuning of network traffic policing mechanisms for DDoS attack mitigation systems, European Journal of Control, Volume 61, September 2021, Pages 101-118

M. Karpowicz, P. Arabas. Server workload model identification: monitoring and control tools for Linux, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, vol. 2, pp. 5-12

M. Karpowicz, P. Arabas, E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz. Design and implementation of energy-aware application-specific CPU frequency governors for the heterogeneous distributed computing systems. Future Generation Computer Systems, accepted manuscript in press.

Raffaele Bolla et al. Large-scale validation and benchmarking of a network of power-conservative systems using ETSI's Green Abstraction Layer
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2015.

M. Karpowicz, P. Arabas, E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz. Energy-aware multi-level control system for a network of Linux software routers: design and implementation. IEEE Systems Journal, 2015:PP(99), 1-12.

M. Karpowicz. Energy-efficient CPU frequency control for the Linux system. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 28, Issue 2, pp. 420-437, 2016.

M. Amanowicz, J. Jarmakiewicz, A. Kozakiewicz, M. Karpowicz, T. Włodarczyk, Cyber-bezpieczeństwo systemów zarządzania siecią elektroenergetyczną, Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne, 8-9, 713-719, 2014.

M. Karpowicz. On the design of the TCP/AQM traffic flow control mechanisms. JTIT. 2012;4:31-37.

M. Karpowicz, K. Malinowski. Price-based coordinability in hierarchical systems with information asymmetry. Control and Cybernetics. 2013;42:85-110.

M. Karpowicz. Nash equilibrium design and price-based coordination in hierarchical systems. AMCS. 2012;22(4):951-969.

M. Karpowicz. Designing auctions: a historical perspective. JTIT. 2011;3:114-122.

P. Arabas, P. Jaskóła, M. Kamola, and M. Karpowicz. Analysis and Modeling of Domain Registration Process JTIT. 2012;2:63-73.

M. Karpowicz, K. Malinowski. On Efficient Resource Allocation in Communication Networks. In: van Leeuwen, Italiano, van der Hoek, Meinel, Sack, Plasil, eds. SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Vol. 4362. Harrachov, Czech Republic: Springer; 2007:624-635. LNCS.

M. Karpowicz, K. Malinowski. Dynamic Resource Allocation Mechanism for Network Interconnection Management. In: Alexandrov, van Albada, Sloot, Dongarra, eds. Computational Science ICCS 2006. Vol. 3993. Reading, UK: Springer; 2006:791-798. LNCS.

E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, M. Karpowicz, A. Kozakiewicz. Application of Grid Technologies to Multireservoir System Management During Flood. Acta Geophysica. 2005;4:473-485.