Home page of EDISP
(English) DIgital
Signal Processing course
winter 2005/6
An official list of students registered for the course is available from
ERES system.
Please check if you are registered, and correct your
status with
the Dean's office as soon as possible! Students not
registered will not have the access to scores page.
The lectures are on Tuesday, room 43, 14:15-16:00. There are
lab exercises, 4 hours every second week, room 022 (basement); the lab
schedule was announced at the lecture (see schedule.pdf).
The course is based on selected chapters of the book:
A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing,
Prentice-Hall 1989 (or II ed, 1999; also acceptable previous editions
entitled Digital Signal Processing).
A free textbook covering some of the subjects can be found here: http://www.dspguide.com/pdfbook.htm
The book, is slightly superficial, but it can be valuable
at least as a quick reference.
Additional books available in Poland:
- R.G. Lyons, Wprowadzenie do cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów
(WKiŁ 1999)
- Craig Marven, Gilian Ewers, Zarys cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów,
WKiŁ 1999 (simple, slightly too easy)
[en: A simple approach to digital signal processing, Wiley & Sons, 1996]
- Tomasz P. Zieliński, Od teorii do cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów,
WKiŁ 2002 (and next edition with slightly modified title)
Please remember:
- there are notation differences between lecture and "dspguide"
- The official book is Oppenheim & Schafer (though notation is
sometimes different too)
- no book is obligatory in these circumstances
Probably the best choice is to buy O&S, 1999 edition, which was
lately seen in KMPiK bookstore (,,Sciana Wschodnia''), for about 100
It'll serve you for years, if you are interested in DSP. And it contains a lot of PROBLEMS to solve and learn!
Or you may prefer to buy/borrow a laboratory scriptbook, which is in
Polish language (Cyfrowe Przetwarzanie Sygnałów, red. A Wojtkiewicz,
wydawnictwa PW).
Lecture slides
Lecture 1/Lecture 2 slides (expect hand-made corrections and inserts at the lecture):
Lecture 3/4 slides (without hand-made corrections)
Warning: VERY old schedule on page 1! Substitute from here:schedule.pdf
Convolution example: conv_exampl.jpg
Lecture 5 (FFT):
FFT decimation in time diagram: fftbutterfly.jpg
DFT resolution: dftresol.jpg
Window functions: winfun.jpg
FT/DTFT/DFT/FFT naming summary:
Lecture 6 (Z-transform, filters)
see at the end of lect5.pdf
and Zt_of_conv.jpg
Lecture 7:Test I (sorry, no access ;-) + filter design (see below)
Lecture 8 (and 7): Fir and IIR filter design:lect8.pdf
z and H(z) .jpg
diff. eq. and H(z) .jpg
FIR advanced methods .jpg
IIR - impulse invariance method.jpg
IIR - bilinear transformation and optimization methods.jpg
Lecture 9/10: Digital signal processors lect12_dsp.pdf
Lecture 11 slides (Stochastic DT signals):
lect9.pdf (very new version @ 20 XII 2005)
Lecture 12 (Jan 3 2006): last 2 foils of prev. lecture and then: 2D signal processing
Lecture 13: review
Lecture 14: test II (up to signal processors)
Lecture 15: final review + advanced techniques....
A very good, detailed, formal description of both subjects is in Oppenheim & Schafer.
28.01 and 6.02: Exam! Paper, pen, pencil, ruler. No books etc.. Notes are allowed, providing they are
prepared by a student himself, with hand writing (no
Only exception: lecture slides are allowed.
Exam I download: version A version B
Exam results, signing grade books etc. - Monday 30.01, 10:15-11:00
room 447 (or 453).
5 students passed EDISP after exam I.
Hints for solving the exam:
- 1a1: stable, because FIR (no recursive dependency on y[n]); you
may calculate the bound of output as eg. 3/2+3/2=3 times the bound of input...
- 1a2: causal[B] or noncausal[A]; causal if no future sample is used
(e.g x[n+2])
- 1a3: linear, because only linear operations are used (time shift,
multiplication by constant, summation); you may also check it formally
- 1b: impulse response - sum of scaled and shifted deltas (values
of scale and shift taken from the definition)
- 2b: note that with transform size equal to 1 period the DFT will
have only X(1) (and X(-1), i.e. X(N-1) ) nonzero. When plotting, care
for periodicity.
- 3a: many students missed the fact that it was FIR filter - the
denominator of H(z) was trivial (=1); H(z)=C*(z^2+0.25) [A version];
the constant C is chosen so that H(e^(j0))=1 (DC gain)
- 3b: straight from H(z): something like y(n)=C*x(n-2)+0.25*C*x(n)
- 3c: students tried to sketch some IIR instead of FIR... just look
at 3b and draw!
- 3d: periodic signal -> use H(\theta) at theta=0 and theta=pi
- 3e: finite time signal -> use convolution (just find h(n) from 3b
and shift it in time)
- 4: enter the Hall of Shame, thou who did not care to learn ex.4
from TEST 2 !!!!!!!!!!
- 5a: question for those who listened at the last lecture: Discrete
Cosine Transform uses half(and more)-period cosines (cos(k/2*2*pi*n/N))
as the base functions, DFT uses one(and more)-period complex
harmnonics (exp(j*2*pi*k*n/N))
- 5b: PSD is shaped as multiplied by |H(theta)|^2
- 5d: data, coefficient, program (to be fetched in one cycle)
- 5e: Ideal characteristics is convolved with the window
spectrum. So the transition band has the width of the mainlobe of
- 5g: for each of N^2 results we evaluate two nested sums of N
length, so N^2 * N^2 .....
- 5h: i. X(2) corresponds to 2/32 of Fs
ii. With aliasing, any of 2/32*Fs + k*Fs is possible
- 5i: if you convolve 20-length sequence with 11-length h(n),
you'll have max 30 non-zero samples.
Exam II download: version A version B
Exam results, signing grade books etc. - Tuesday 06.02, 14:00-15:00
room 447 (or 453).
Lab info: knowledge required at the lab
- Lab 1:
- Simple MATLAB usage: make a vector, plot x - y plot with proper
data on axes, make a simple m-function.
- DT signal as a sampled CT signal: plot sample values of a sin()
with a frequency of 1 kHz, sampled with 10 kHz (etc). Put x-axis
values as sample index, CT instant, ....
- Normalized frequency concept (e.g. What is the θ value in
the above example?)
- Lab 2:
- Impulse response of a system; initial conditions etc.
- DFT properties, effect of limited observation time (windowing)
- Spectrum of a rectangular impulse
dr inż. Jacek Misiurewicz
room 447 (GE)
Office hours: Thu 11:15-12:00
Institute of Electronic Systems
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