Current issues

The "short-path" limit was changed to 39.5 points. Please do not try to negotiate lowering it.


Exam1: 2007.01.26 8 - 11 room 202: EXAMple test
Exam2: 2007.02.05 11 - 14 room 204
Exam! Paper, pen, pencil, ruler. No books etc.. Notes are allowed, providing they are prepared by a student himself, with hand writing (no photocopying!)
Only exception: lecture slide copies are allowed.

There is no penalty for taking exam if you want to improve a grade from "short path".

If you want to improve grade from Test1 or Test2, let me know by email (and start learning). There will be a special option during the Exam1 (an additional test to do after the main exam). The previous grade is cancelled if you take the risk.


  • What will all this be about?(NEW!)
  • slides
  • The schedule of lectures/homeworks/tests (preliminary) and labs will show up here
  • list of lab groups and (later) scores
  • info on labs, example lab exercises
  • Home page of EDISP
    (English) DIgital Signal Processing course
    winter 2006/7

    An official list of students registered for the course is available from ERES system.
    Please check if you are registered, and correct your status with the Dean's office as soon as possible!

    Students not registered will not have the access to scores page.


    The lectures are on Tuesday, room 122, 14:15-16:00. There are lab exercises, 4 hours every second week, room 022 (basement); the lab schedule is probably fixed now (see schedule.pdf).

    Short info: labs will be on Mondays, 8-12 or 12-16.
    For the introductory lab (lab0) we met on 9 Oct, 8:15 room 022.
    Next lab (lab1) will be 30.10.2006 for P8 (8:15-12) subgroup, 06.11.2006 for the N8 (8:15-12) and NP12 (12:15-16) subgroups.

    Please note that the NP12 subgroup has slightly irregular schedule (06.11/20.11/27.11/11.12/8.01/22.01), as we try to alternate with ECONT lab.


    The course is based on selected chapters of the book:

    A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall 1989 (or II ed, 1999; also acceptable previous editions entitled Digital Signal Processing).

    A free textbook covering some of the subjects can be found here:
    The book is slightly superficial, but it can be valuable - at least as a quick reference. Additional books available in Poland:

    Please remember:

    Probably the best choice is to buy O&S. It'll serve you for years, if you are interested in DSP. And it contains a lot of PROBLEMS to solve and learn!

    Or you may prefer to buy/borrow a laboratory scriptbook, which is in Polish language (Cyfrowe Przetwarzanie Sygnałów, red. A Wojtkiewicz, Wydawnictwa PW).

    Lecture slides

    (You may always expect hand-made corrections and inserts at the lecture....)

    Lecture number = week number in schedule. Lecture 1/Lecture 2 slides: lect1.pdf
    Convolution example: conv_exampl.jpg (Lecture 3=EMISY)

    Lecture 4/5 slides (without hand-made corrections) lect2.pdf
    Warning: VERY old schedule on page 1!
    Substitute from here:schedule.pdf

    Lecture 6 (FFT):
    FFT decimation in time diagram: fftbutterfly.jpg
    DFT resolution: dftresol.jpg
    Window functions: winfun.jpg
    FT/DTFT/DFT/FFT naming summary: ftsummary.jpg

    Lecture 7:Test I (sorry, no access ;-) + instantaneous spectrum (see below)

    Lecture 8 (Z-transform, filters)
    see at the end of lect5.pdf
    and Zt_of_conv.jpg
    and What is all this needed for?
    Lecture 9 (and 10): Fir and IIR filter design:lect8.pdf
    z and H(z) .jpg
    diff. eq. and H(z) .jpg
    FIR advanced methods .jpg
    IIR - impulse invariance method.jpg
    IIR - bilinear transformation and optimization methods.jpg

    Lecture 11: Digital signal processors lect12_dsp.pdf

    Lecture 12 slides (Stochastic DT signals): lect9.pdf

    week 13/14: holidays

    Lecture 15 (Jan 9 2006): 2D signal processing lect13.pdf (and): review

    Lecture 16: test II (up to signal processors), JPEG compression as an example of some 2D concepts: lect_jpg.pdf

    Lecture 17: final review + advanced techniques....

    A very good, detailed, formal description of both subjects is in Oppenheim & Schafer.

    Homework2: here

    It was due on Jan 9, 2007, but if you had submitted it before holidays I would have checked your solutions before the review, so we'd be able to discuss them.

    Lab info: example lab exercises


    These are called "examples" to underline the fact that they are not official. Some of them need review....

    Openly speaking, they are exercise sets current at the time of posting. I reserve the right to make some important modifications before the actual lab, to give different sets to different groups etc. (and I usually do review the text before giving it....).

    dr inż. Jacek Misiurewicz
    room 447 (GE)
    Office hours: Tue 16:30-17:00 (or by e-mail appointment)
    Institute of Electronic Systems


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