Home page of ESPTR
Signal Processing in Telecommunications and Radar course
summer 2008/9
Current issues
The sum of points from Exam1 was 54, should be at least 60. The
scores have been recalculated (e1corr=e1raw*60/50 in the
"studia.elka..." tables).
Project submission rules:
- A student has to submit a report (paper or email.pdf)
preferably before the end of June.
- A demonstration of your software/model/results etc. is
necessary. (Deadline is 15.09). You are asked to come prepared (e.g
with a laptop and everything installed) to save my time and your
nerves. Be prepared to showing inner details of your project or even
to changing some parameters on request.
- Monday 23.06 - only on appointment (email+my reply)
- Tuesday 24.06 - 11-12
- Wednesday 25.06 - 10-12
- Thursday 26.06 - 10-12
- Friday 27.06 - only on appointment (email+my reply)
- Thursday 11.09 10-12
- Monday 15.09 10-12 (DEADLINE)
- I'll probably be absent after the exam (16.09 8-11) so the submission deadline is firm.
Following the students' proposal,
the lecture has been moved to
14:15-16, room 04b (in the basement).
Schedule in "Monday" version is here.
10% - test
- 10% P1: definition
- +10% P2: algorithm
- +20% P3: program
- =40% Project total
- ==
50% 40% Semester total
50% 60% Exam
Total: 100%
A person responsible for the whole course is me, Jacek Misiurewicz
(room 447, tel 7478). The team consists also of dr. Krzysztof Kulpa
(r. 447) and mgr Mateusz Malanowski (r. 453), who will have part of
lectures and will supervise part of projects.
A three-stage project is to be done during the semester. See the
schedule to find the deadlines of stages.
Project hours (to be defined) are reserved for individual discussion -
according to student's needs, and for project stage submission - according
to schedule.
Project stages
When submitting the Stage 2 or 3 you may change some specifications,
but the change must be justified in writing.
Project themes
Each student should define her/his own project theme. It must include
type of work, investigated effect, type of component under
investigation and target application. The tools may be specified in
the title or in the description.
Below you may find examples of theme parts.
(type of work)
- Simulation of...
- Experimental model of...
- A tool for...
- A study of...
- A plugin for ... doing ....
- ...noise effects in...
- ...nonlinear effects in...
- ...multipath effects in...
- ...Doppler effects in...
- ...influence of number of bits on...
- ...practical application of...
(part of a system)
- ...transmission channel...
- ...directional reception...
- ...matched/correlation filtering...
- ...modulation/demodulation...
- ...coding/decoding with _______ method...
- ...echo cancellation...
(application area)
- for a /voice telephony/digital video broadcast/GSM/UMTS/WiFi/Bluetooth/etc.
- for a /pulsed/continuous wave/noise/passive/etc. radar/sonar type.
We strongly encourage to use these as an
example to create your own project, e.g. connected with your chosen
thesis area. If you have ANY doubt, please discuss the subject BEFORE
the deadline of Stage 1.
Example themes:
- Experimental model of software radio. (in the description: It will
work off-line using simulated DAB or FM signals.)
- Study of Doppler effect in UMTS communication.
- A tool for multipath effect modelling in DAB.
- Simulation of background noise level effect on sonar detector.
One test will be administered during the semester - see the schedule (Test 1).
A final exam is during the session (two dates will be
scheduled). Additionally, an "exam0" date will be available to
students with ((at least 50% from the test1) .AND. (at least 50% from
the project)).
Paper, pen, pencil, ruler. No books etc.. Notes are allowed, providing they are
prepared by a student himself, with hand writing (no
Only exception: lecture slide copies are allowed.
The course is based on selected chapters of following books:
- .en.:
- Simon Haykin, Telecommunication Systems.
- A.V. Oppenheim, R.W. Shaefer, Discrete-time signal
- M.I. Skolnik, Radar handbook
- .pl.:
- Jerzy Szabatin, Podstawy teorii sygnałów (WKŁ)
- Tomasz P. Zieliński, Cyfrowe przetwarzanie sygnałów (WKŁ)
- Krzysztof Wesołowski, Podstawy cyfrowych systemów
- Zbigniew Czekała, Parada radarów (Bellona)
I don't reccomend buying these books (a new set will ruin you),
if you plan to attend lectures. The .pl. books may be
hovewer valuable positions in your professional library. The .en.
ones too; you may hunt for some used books on Amazon or elsewhere.
A list of links to slides follows. If you see here some future
lectures, just don't care. The only official version is the one seen
in the lecture room ;-). However, you may expect the good version to
show up here the evening before the lecture.
Some notes are presented on the blackboard. If you don't attend the
lecture, you miss them.
Lecture 1/2:
Lecture 3:
Image band
Nice dualband receiver example
Matched filter reception - dual
receiver and one transmitter. The dual receiver is used for
estimation of echo direction - we'll discuss it later.
Lecture 4:
balanced mixer (MOS)
balanced mixer (bipolar); note
error in input markings
balanced mixer (diode bridge)
destructive multipath
interference points (l2=distance vs. h=tower height), 7GHz, curves for
[1 3 5 .. 15]*lambda/2, flat earth geometry
Channel properties etc.Lecture PDF
Nice example of Doppler effect
problems: Titan
Calling article from IEEE Spectrum (may be unaccessible from
outside of PW)
Lecture 5: .... (ToBeUploaded later)
Lecture 6:Radar basics
Lecture 7:Radar basics
Lecture 8:
slides (pdf)
Easy conference paper with some
equations (KKTOiUE conference, 1997)
slides (pdf)
Lecture 9: Digital Radio
slides (pdf)
Lecture 10: Digital Video
slides (pdf)
Lecture 11: TEST!!! Okecie airport excursion
Lectures 12-14: GSM/UMTS/...
Slides by M. Purchla
dr inż. Jacek Misiurewicz
room 447 (GE)
Office hours: Mon 10:15-12:00 (or by e-mail appointment)
Institute of Electronic Systems
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