Home page of EDISP
(English) DIgital Signal Processing course
winter 2003/4

Current infos

The Exam0 was on Monday, 26 Jan 2004, 10:15 room 203.
The Exam1 was on Thursday, 29 Jan 2004, 11:15 room 202.

The Exam2 is necessary, so we'll meet on Monday, 09 Feb 2004 in front of the room 447 and we will find a nice place to write the exam.

If you need some consultation (or just want to see your exam :-( ), I'll be available on Fri, 30 Jan, about noon, in 447 or 453. I'll probably stay much longer, but there is no guarantee -- you ask tomorrow by email before coming.

Past infos

Students who have at least 40 points from (Labs 1-5 plus Tests plus Homeworks) may apply for final score of (points*2) without the Exam. For the final, we count lab1-6 of course.

The exam max score is 50 points. Students with low scores from Tests may take a chance of being scored at exam=65 points (with zeroing their tests score). The decision has to be made BEFORE taking the exam.
A homework 2 is due on 05 Jan 2004 (at the lecture).
The "Test II" on 12 Jan 2004 required your knowledge of:

A homework was due on 03 Nov 2003 (at the lecture).
The "Test I" on 17 Oct 2003 required your knowledge of:

The course started on Monday, 06 Oct 2003, room 203, 10:15-12:00. There are lab exercises, 4 hours every second week, room 022 (basement); the lab schedule has been announced (see schedule.pdf).

A free textbook covering some of the subjects can be found here: http://www.dspguide.com/pdfbook.htm
Local mirror:  http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/dydaktyka/tra/dsp_book
The book, as far as I've "investigated" superficially, can be valuable -- at least as a quick reference.

Please remember:

Probably the best choice is to buy O&S, 1999 edition, which was lately seen in KMPiK bookstore (,,Sciana Wschodnia''), for about 100 PLN. It'll serve you for years, if you are interested in DSP. And it contains a lot of PROBLEMS to solve and learn!

Or you may prefer to buy/borrow a laboratory scriptbook, which is in Polish language (Cyfrowe Przetwarzanie Sygnałów, red. A Wojtkiewicz, wydawnictwa PW).

Lecture slides

Lecture 1/Lecture 2 slides (expect hand-made corrections and inserts at the lecture): lect1.pdf

Lecture 2 slides (without hand-made corrections, with some slides for Lecture 3): lect2.pdf
Warning: old schedule on page 1!
Substitute from here:schedule.pdf
Convolution example: conv_exampl.jpg

Lecture 4 (FFT) + lecture 7 (z-transform):
FFT decimation in time diagram: fftbutterfly.jpg
DFT resolution: dftresol.jpg
Window functions: winfun.jpg
FT/DTFT/DFT/FFT naming summary: ftsummary.jpg

Lecture 5 (differential equations) -- look at the end of lect1.pdf

Lecture 6:Test I (sorry, no access ;-) + Instantaneous spectrum:

Lecture 7: Z-transform at the end of lect5.pdf
and Zt_of_conv.jpg
Lecture 8 and 9: Fir and IIR filter design:lect8.pdf
z and H(z) .jpg
diff. eq. and H(z) .jpg
FIR advanced methods .jpg
IIR - impulse invariance method.jpg
IIR - bilinear transformation and optimization methods.jpg
Lecture 10: Digital signal processors lect12_dsp.pdf

Lecture 11 slides (Stochastic DT signals): lect10.pdf

Lecture 12 (5 Jan 2004): Review II and
Filtering random signals -- lect12.pdf (first 2 foils)

Lecture 13 (12 Jan 2004) 2D signal processing lect13.pdf

Lecture 14 (19 Jan 2004): Advanced topics:

A very good, detailed, formal description of both subjects is in Oppenheim & Schafer.

Lecture 15 (26 Jan 2004): Exam0. Paper, pen, pencil, ruler. No books etc.. Notes are allowed, providing they are prepared by a student himself, with hand writing -- no photocopying, slides.....


dr inż. Jacek Misiurewicz
room 447 (GE)
Office hours: Thu, 14:15-15
Institute of Electronic Systems



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