Updated on: Thu Sep 3 10:28:08 CEST 2015


  • slides
  • The schedule of lectures/tests and project stages
  • list of students and their scores
  • info on projects
  • final project rules
  • list of useful books

    Current issues

    If you want to take Exam 3 in September, please contact me via email.

    Signatures I am absent in September due to exchange programme. However, you may obtain my signature:

    • Finding me in room 454 on 7-8 September or 17-18 September.
    • Leaving your scorebook/scoresheet in the office (room 456) so that I find it on the above dates.
    • Waiting until October.

    Exam 0 grades are already in the system. Have a look at fields:

    • "points" - this is sum of your points
    • "pfg" - this means "points for grade", which will be equal to "points" if you have all 4 parts of the project submitted (and only 51 pts if not).
    For many students it means that upon submitting project T2 you will get much higher grade. The deadline is mid-September (but please note that Mr. Baczyk can be unavailable for long periods, so make sure you will meet him).

    Home page of ESPTR
    (English) Signal Processing in Telecommunications and Radar course
    2013/14 - summer term


    The lectures are on Tuesday, room 121, 12:15-14:00 -- see ESPTRschedule2015l.pdf.


    Total: 100%


    A person responsible for the whole course is me, Jacek Misiurewicz (room 447, tel 5441).
    The projects will be supervised by:


    Two projects are to be done during the semester. Project "R" is connected with radar and radio technology (due in the middle of the semester), project "T" -- with telecommunications (due before the end of semester).See the schedule to find the deadlines.

    Each project consists of two stages, scored separately, and with separate deadlines. So, total number of deadlines is FOUR. Missing deadline == part of the score lost.

    Project hours (to be defined) are reserved for individual discussion - according to student's needs, and for project stage submission - according to schedule.

    Project stages

    If you miss the deadline for some part of project, you lose from 1/10 (late by <10 days) up to 1/4 of score (late by >10 days).

    Project themes

    Each student should define her/his own project theme. It must include type of work, investigated effect, type of component under investigation and target application. The tools may be specified in the title or in the description. Below you may find examples of theme parts.

    (type of work)

    (effect) (part of a system) (application area) We strongly encourage to use these as an example to create your own project, e.g. connected with your chosen thesis area. If you have ANY doubt, please discuss the subject long BEFORE the deadline of Stage 1..

    Example themes:

    We don't go inside protocols, compression schemes etc. We stay in the modulation-transmission-demodulation part of the system.


    A final exam is during the session (two dates will be scheduled).

    Paper, pen, pencil, ruler. No books etc.. Notes are allowed, providing they are prepared by a student himself, with hand writing (no photocopying!)
    Only exception: lecture slide copies are allowed.


    The course is based on selected chapters of following books:

    I don't reccomend buying all these books (a new set will ruin your budget), if you plan to attend lectures. The .pl. books may be, hovewer, valuable positions in your professional library. The .en. ones too; you may hunt for some used books on Amazon or elsewhere, you may ask for POMR in WNT bookstore at 48 Polna str. (they were supposed to have it).

    An interesting tutorial on radar techniques can be found at http://radartutorial.eu

    Lecture slides

    A list of links to slides follows. If you see here some future lectures, just don't care. The only official version is the one seen in the lecture room ;-). However, you may expect the good version to show up here the evening before the lecture.

    Some notes are presented on the blackboard only. If you don't attend the lecture, you miss them.

    Old slides below - this marker will be moved with slide update

    Example Exams

    Exam 1/2012 with solution sketch

    Exam sheet
    Solution sketch here

    Exam 1/2010 with solution sketches

    Exam sheet here.

    Sketches of solutions: Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4

    Exam 1/2011 with comments

    Version A and B in one set
    Please note that, in comparison to the "2010" set, the changes are minimal, but they are designed to detect "learning solutiond by heart" or "copying wihout understanding".

    In 1. this is just arithmetic.

    In 2., understanding what is "image band" is crucial.

    In 3, pls. note the word "constructive". This means we seek for (integer times λ), not (odd times λ/2).

    In 4., note the word "radar" (means Fd=2v/λ) and "time" (means: "use your physics 101 knowledge")

    In 6b., "raised cosine pulse" is a pulse formed from one period - so N in the expression and N=64 are the same number, and some students believed it is not....

    In 7., some mixed SAR, ISAR, IfSAR and MTI....... (for future exams we have also GMTI, MTD, Pulse Doppler, FMCW ... to be learned how they differ).

    In 8. there is some solution hanging somewhere in the web, which is WRONG.

    We should divide 7MHz into some subchannels (NOT 2.4GHz into 7MHz channels...).
    We start from the multipath delay and calculate GI. Knowing GI, we have "net" symbol time + 25% guard. The "net" time determines the orthogonality period, thus the subchannel spacing (100 or 50 kHz).
    The bitrate is a product of Nsubchannels (70 or 140), Mbitspersymbol (QPSK), symbolrate (from "net"+GI), and 90% efficiency (10% overhead)

    In 9. it is pure Doppler calculation, then you have to sketch and understand the sin(Nx)/Nsin(x) plot - where it comes from, how to approximately calculate amount of ICI leakage. The leakage in voltage is 50% or 87%, so in power it is 25% or 75% with respect to the correct channel. In ver.b the linear approximation is wrong, you have to calculate sin value for argument equal approximately π/3 .

    In 11. near-far occurs in uplink of CDMA. Far user transmission is detected with a MF (matched filter) for his pseudonoise, but the near (strong) transmission is not fully orthogonal - so it "leaks" through the MF appearing as noise at the QPSK or QAM decoder. If it is strong enough, it disturbs the decoding (demodulation).
    In downlink, powers are equal (one transmitter).
    In other MA methods, users are spaced in time (TDMA) or frequency (FDMA, OFDMA etc.) (or both - e.g. GSM).

    In 13., TDMA or FDMA was the subject. NOT "CDMA" .....

    Exam 1/2008 (no solutions - for own exercise)

    Exam 1/2008 ver. A

    dr inż. Jacek Misiurewicz
    room 447 453 (GE)
    Office hours:Thu 10:30-12:00 (or by e-mail appointment)
    Institute of Electronic Systems



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