Current issues

Exam info

Double lecture (2x2=4hrs) is on 29.01.2008. We will use this time for Exam0 and a lecture.

The Exam 0 is open to all EDISP students. It does not interfere with your right to have 2 exams in the session time. This way you have 3 exam dates possible.

Exam 1 is on Feb 04, 11 - 14, room 204 (according to the official assignment)

Exam 2 will be conducted as ORAL. Possible dates are Thu (Feb 7) and Fri (Feb 8) - NOT as shown in the official tables.
Please contact me if you need to take Exam 2.

There will be a possibility to repeat Test1 and Test2 (one or both) - just after the exam 0, by doing extra problems in extra time.
Students unable to come on 29.01 will be given the option to repeat tests on Feb 04 (after the Exam1)

In all cases (Exam 0/1/2 and test/test_repeat)the best score counts.

Rules: (same as with T1/T2): Allowed are YOUR OWN notes (handwritten on paper or on printed lecture slides). No books, no photocopies of other person notes.

Final score

Rules have been defined on Lect 1. Two changes are: in the total threshold (see below: was 41, is 34.5) and in dropping the separate threshold for tests

The rule:
if [(score>34.5)]; then score *= 2; fi
takes scores from the regular work during the term. In other words, test correction does NOT count here.
The possibility to repeat (correct) T1 and T2 will be given during Exam 0 and Exam 1.

Examples of final tests (historical)

Use them for study. Learn methods, not solutions.

One test. Another test.

There is no guarantee that the current test be identical ;-). It will be similar (the lecture was similar), but I might also put more focus on different subjects. The only base is the lecture content (live one, not only the published slides ....).

The main rule: exam covers the whole course content (sampled), including the T1(H1)+T2(H2) area and also the lectures after the H2.


  • What will all this be about?
  • slides
  • The updated (Jan 08) schedule of lectures/homeworks/tests and labs
  • list of lab groups and scores
  • info on labs, example lab exercises
  • Home page of EDISP
    (English) DIgital Signal Processing course
    winter 2007/8


    The lectures are on Tuesday, room 122, 14:15-16:00. There are lab exercises, 4 hours every second week, room 022 (basement); the lab schedule is preliminary now (see schedule.pdf).

    Short info: labs will be on Mondays, 8-12 or 12-16.
    For the introductory lab (lab0) we met on 8 Oct, 9:15 room 022.
    Next lab (lab1) will be 29.10.2007 for P (8:15-12) subgroup, 05.11.2007 for N (8:15-12) subgroup


    The course is based on selected chapters of the book:

    A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall 1989 (or II ed, 1999; also acceptable previous editions entitled Digital Signal Processing).

    A free textbook covering some of the subjects can be found here:
    The book is slightly superficial, but it can be valuable - at least as a quick reference. Additional books available in Poland:

    Please remember:

    Probably the best choice is to buy O&S. It'll serve you for years, if you are interested in DSP. And it contains a lot of PROBLEMS to solve and learn!

    Or you may prefer to buy/borrow a laboratory scriptbook, which is in Polish language (Cyfrowe Przetwarzanie Sygnałów, red. A Wojtkiewicz, Wydawnictwa PW).

    Lecture slides

    (You may always expect hand-made corrections and inserts at the lecture....)

    Lecture number = week number in schedule.

    Lab info: example lab exercises


    These are called "examples" to underline the fact that they are not official. Some of them need review....

    Openly speaking, they are exercise sets current at the time of posting. I reserve the right to make some important modifications before the actual lab, to give different sets to different groups etc. (and I usually DO review the text before giving it....).

    Past things archive (Attic)

    Remarks about TEST1

    Please read also remarks about Homework1. They are still (or even more) valid.

    You may download test1 forms here: (A) (B). Use them for studying for the final exam. Please don't learn solutions and specific methods, learn the fundamentals that lead to the solution method.

    I won't give exact solutions - you'd be tempted to learn them without understanding - but here are hints for your hard work on solving the test:

    Linearity allows us to decompose our signals onto simple signals, calculate the response/transform/whatever for each piece, and compose the result from pieces. This skill WILL be used (and tested!) again and again.

    Remarks about Homework 1

    I assumed that copying is a form of studying. This is why grades are relatively good.

    I must draw your attention to the fact that the popular solution for ex.5 is not correct. Please try to understand properties of DFT better, because the test exercises will make use of that.
    The correct way to solve ex.5 is to:

    Test 2 content

    Test 2 will cover the areas indicated by Homework 2 - i.e. Z-transform, instantaneous spectrum, filter design and analysis.

    Rules: (same as with T1): T2 will be 1 hour test, 10pts worth. Allowed are YOUR OWN notes (handwritten on paper or on printed lecture slides). No books, no photocopies of other person notes.

    dr inż. Jacek Misiurewicz
    room 447 (GE)
    Office hours: Tue 16:30-17:00 (or by e-mail appointment)
    Institute of Electronic Systems


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